4.5a. The Four Ps – Product

  • Product
    • A product is any good or service that satisfies the needs or wants of consumers
      • Either tangible (physical products) or intangible (services)
      • Must have value added (either functional value or emotional value)
      • Functional – Useful
        • Emotional – Appeals to emotion (instills pride, happiness, etc.)
  • Types of products
    • Consumer products – products sold directly to consumers
      • Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
        • Sells by large quantities
        • Soap, shampoo, pencils, etc.
        • Usually cheap
      • Consumer perishables
        • Seasonal products
        • Products with limited shelf-life
        • Can be sold at a higher price compared to FMCG since they are a premium
      • Consumer durables
        • Long lasting and relatively expensive products
        • Since they are long lasting, not as many are sold, so they are more expensive
      • Specialty goods
        • Most expensive
        • Unique products
      • Can also be classified by purchase consideration
        • Low Involvement Product (LIP)
          • Opposite of HIP
        • High Involvement Product (HIP)
          • Consumer will take a while to decide when purchasing
    • Producer Products
      • Goods purchased by businesses for production process (raw materials & inputs)
  • Product life cycle
    • Pertains to the different stages of a product’s lifespan
    • Measured in terms of sales level and growth phases over a period of time.
    • Used to identify necessary changes in marketing strategies
      • Each stage will usually need a different marketing mix
    • Product life cycle stages
      • Research and development
        • Design, development and testing
        • Requires a large investment in resources and time
        • Creation of prototype with feedback from target market
          • Alpha and Beta releases for testing
      • Launch/introduction
        • Product will be priced HIGH to cover
          • Costs of heavy marketing
          • Cost of research and development
        • Product is not very profitable at this moment
      • Growth
        • Rapid volume increase due to better awareness and expansion of distribution channels
        • Starts to be profitable due to economies of scale in production and marketing
        • Competition begins becoming attracted to the market
      • Maturity/saturation
        • Sales may begin to peak/stabilize (no significant changes)
        • Achieve highest market share, while competition continues to pour into the market
        • Companies will employ price reductions, product differentiation and extension strategies very aggressively to protect their market share
      • Decline
        • Sales and profits decline due to shifts in demand, new technology, or new models
        • Price levels fall (to get rid of inventory) prior to withdrawal
          • Phasing out the product
    • Extension strategies
      • Price reduction
      • Redesigns (e.g. special features, limited edition, etc.)
      • Repacking (e.g. new colors, materials)
      • New markets/market development
      • Promotions (advertising and special tie-ups)
    • Aside from demographic/psychographics, speed of adoption is also affected by
      • Relative advantage
      • Compatibility
      • Testability
      • Observable feature
      • Convenience
  • Product life cycle and the marketing mix
    • Launch
      • Price: may be high or low compared to competitors
      • Promotion: high levels of informative advertising to make the consumers aware of the product’s arrival on the market
      • Place: restricted outlets – possibly high-class outlets if a skimming strategy is adopted
      • Product: basic model
    • Growth
      • Price: if successful, an initial penetration pricing strategy could now lead to rising prices
      • Promotion: consumers need to be convinced to make repeat purchases- brand identification will help to establish consumer loyalty
      • Place: growing numbers of outlets in areas indicated by strength of consumer demand
      • Product: planning of product improvements and developments to maintain consumer appeal
    • Maturity/saturation
      • Price: competitors likely to be entering market – there will be a need to keep prices at competitive levels
      • Promotion: brand Imaging continues growing – need to stress the positive differences with competitor’s products
      • Place: highest geographical range of outlets as possible – developing new types of outlets where possible
      • Product: new models, colors, accessories, etc. as part of extension strategy
    • Decline
      • Price: lower prices to sell off stock-or if the product has a small ‘cult’ following, prices could even rise
      • Promotion: advertising likely to be very limited – may just be used to inform of lower price
      • Place: eliminate unprofitable outlets for the product
      • Product: prepare to replace with other products – slowly withdraw
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix
    • Planning tool used to classify a portfolio of products based on market share and market growth
    • Problem child/question mark
      • High growth market but low market share
      • More resources must be used (cash absorbing) to gain higher market share
      • Alternative is to divest and use resources to help other products
      • To do nothing will make this a dog
      • It can become a star or dog
    • Star
      • High growth market with high market share
      • Generate a lot of cash and profit but require marketing support
      • If position is maintained, it may turn into a cash cow
      • If not, may become problem child
    • Cash cow
      • Low growth market but high market share
      • Products that command a high share of the market despite maturity
      • Well-established
      • Generate good cash flow and strong profits
      • No further investments required although extension strategies may be used to delay decline
      • May be used to pay dividends, debts, support problem child products, stars or new product development
    • Dog
      • Low growth market with a low market share
      • Product in a mature market
      • Does not generate much revenue
      • Ties up cash (capital), may be withdrawn or repositioned to niche market where more premium price can be demanded
    • Strategic analysis
      • Used to support your products
        • Building – support problem childs
        • Holding – try to maintain the position
        • Milking – using cash cows
        • Divesting – getting rid of dogs
      • Can only be undertaken if business has a balanced portfolio of products.
      • All 4 quadrants must be filled
      • Dogs or problem children outnumbering stars and cash cows may lead to a cash shortage preventing the firm to take appropriate action

  • Branding
    • Name identifiable to a product or a mixture of tangible and intangible attributes symbolized in a trademark in order to differentiate the product from competitors
    • Role and benefits
      • Legal instrument
      • Differentiation
      • Risk reducer
      • Image enhancer
      • Sales generator
      • Growth platform
      • Timeless
    • An effective brand name can be a stimulus for positive association with the product; should be memorable, recognizable, and portray the desired image
  • Aspects of branding
    • Brand awareness
      • An important aspect in being able to successfully promote a product
      • Essential in markets with products that have very few tangible factors that differentiate products from one another
    • Brand development
      • Long term marketing strategy meant to build and strengthen the image
      • A strong brand can extend maturity or cash cow position of a product (sustain and increase sales)
    • Brand preference
      • Customers favoring a brand over rivals
      • Quantifies effect of marketing activities
    • Brand loyalty
      • When customers buy products of the same brand repeatedly
      • Benefits:
        • Higher market share
        • Premium pricing by keeping loyal customers
        • Demand is more price inelastic
          • Customers are not sensitive to price changes
        • Brand extension and growth strategies
        • Raises barriers to entry
          • New players find it hard to gain a market
    • Brand value
      • The value added premium that customers are willing to pay for a product of a well known brand as opposed to a generic equivalent
      • Mass promotion campaigns are essential to help create brand value
      • Is important if a business would like to expand its product line
        • Can help assure sales if current products within the brand have experienced relatively good success/popularity with customers
  • Packaging
    • Serves as protection for the product before reaching the end consumer
    • Makes it easier, more efficient, and safer to transport
    • Attraction, promotion, and differentiation
      • Makes it eye-catching, amongst dozens of other similar products on a shelf
        • Design theme, color scheme,
      • Carries information about the product
        • How to use the product
        • Materials/ingredients used
        • Highlights important features
      • Helps to promote the brand and its image